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Retail and Gold

While the volume and actions is below normal levels, there is some serious buying happening in Gold and retail stocks today:

4% breakout scan

ARIA,Ariad Pharmaceuticals (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
ASTI,Ascent Solar Technologies Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
AU,Anglogold Ashanti Ltd (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BID,Sotheby's Holding Cl A (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BIDU,Baidu.com Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BOT,CBOT Holdings Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CBA,Brilliance Ch Auto Hldgs (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CHNR,ChinaNatural Resources (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CYNO,Cynosure Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
DDUP,Data Domain Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
FLML,Flamel Technologies Sa (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
GLDN,Golden Telecom Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
GNK,Genco Shipping & Trading Ltd (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
GROW,U.S. Global Invest Inc A (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
HANS,Hansen Natural Corp (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
HAYN,Haynes International Inc. (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
HOKU,Hoku Scientific Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
INFY,Infosys Technologies Ads (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
JADE,Lj Internat Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
JRJC,China Finance Online Co Ltd (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
JSDA,Jones Soda Co (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
M,Macy's Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
MIVA,MIVA Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
MU,Micron Technology Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
MXWL,Maxwell Technologies Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
NEM,Newmont Mining Corp (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
NVEC,Nve Corp (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
PKX,Posco (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
POL,Polyone Corporation (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
RDC,Rowan Companies Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
RJF,Raymond James Financial (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
ROY,International Royalty Corporation (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
RZ,Raser Technologies Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
SA,Seabridge Gold Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
TGT,Target Corporation (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
TRCR,Transcend Services Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
VDM,Van Der Moolen (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
VDSI,Vasco Data Security Intl (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
VIMC,Vimicro International Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
WBD,Wimm Bill Dann Foods Ojsc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart

Some of the retail stocks might be good bets for long term holdings.
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Tom said...

Is this a real-time scan? What software do you use for this?

Pradeep Bonde said...

Telechart. It is 20 minute delayed data.

DreamIt Ventures said...

you could also get 4% up stocks w/ unusual volume or other criteria real time through trade-ideas.

Dan said...

Just got telecharts up and running today: BTJ is showing up in my scan...is the 4% breakout from the IBD list?

QUIKTDR said...

I use the following for 4% breakout and get 124 candidates most are the same as yours but of course, I wonder why I don't have the same candidates as you...
( 100 * (C - C1) / C1) >= 4 AND V >= 1000 AND V > V1

Vishal said...

I guess it depends on the time of the day u run the scan.....

Anonymous said...

hi, i just noticed McClellan Summation index (T2118) is turning up, any thoughts? If you look from last couple of years (except 2002)charts, the index took off around the same time and we had a big uptrend.Last year didnt turned down until Nov -Dec timeframe...just keeping an eye;P

Zee Stock Market Detective On-Line said...

Gold Sector look up from here.

How far it moves from here is anyone's guess. Soon we will hearing the gold guru's predictions again $1500,$2500 and $5000 gold.

I've been watching it the past week coming off a base and jumped aboard before it becomes too obvious its moving up to the majority of investors.

Editor said...

From your last post on the scan to find multiyear leaders...

These were on both this and that scan


skyricho said...

Selected stocks of interest
JADE: Both breakouts in June did not go anywhere. Could this be the one?

DSTI: Appeared in DT scan. Recent C65 and C22 weakness. Crossed back into the 200plus in a year group.

GROW: Recent weakness but only within 34% of Half year high.

GSIC: Recent weakness. Recently been crossing back and forth over 100 plus in a year mark. Within 5% of half year high.