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Random Thoughts

  • It is more difficult to spot a top than bottom. We know it is top in retrospect.
  • The top was in making for many months as market idled and breakouts failed. So to say CFC lead to the move, is giving CFC too much importance.
  • Management is most bullish at top and most bearish at bottom. Does that apply to homebuilders and CFC.
  • You don't have to trade like big institutions. Flexibility is individual investors and traders most strength. You can go to cash in jiffy, big speculators take months to build and upload positions.
  • You will know when it is time to get back in when Market Monitor starts indicating reversal.
  • Have you wondered what happens when Prime Ministers and Presidents crowd together for powwow. This incident from Alastair Campbell's latest book will give you the inner dope.
    The man (Alastair Campbell) who gave spinning a bad name has just published his diaries, The Blair Years. One story I liked is about an African leader pinching a woman guest’s bottom at a Commonwealth do in Downing Street. After pinching her bum, the man asked the victim who she was. Replied Cherie Blair, "I am the prime minister’s wife." The response of the African leader is not recorded.

    and how about this from the same book
    A SEXY airgirl sent temperatures soaring as the PM and his aide flew in Australia, swivelling her “perfect bum” towards them, and A JAPANESE businessman told Blair: “The whole of Japan is rooking forward to your erection” in the months before the Labour leader won power. The PM-to-be spluttered as Campbell butted in: “We are hoping for a big one.”

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Joe said...

Would you consider today's action as first follow-through for bears after a big sell-off?

Pradeep Bonde said...

We will know only by EOD.

Unknown said...

The market is in a range because the retail trader is out of this market in cash. When they get back in, it will reverse the opposite way.

Anonymous said...

Even during a market correction, there are stocks that rise significantly. Opportunities exist constantly. Sometimes it's just harder to find them.

Unknown said...

The only down pressure (small caps) was clearly a wash out. Now that pressure is gone and the market is rising like I said. The only thing that bothers me is that retail is participating in this rally and I have a feeling they're going to be shaken out very soon...