
Alternative to IBD 200

The age old question of alternative to data entering the IBD 200 has resurfaced as the person who used to post the spreadsheet on IBD forum has suspended his post due to bug in his software.
Your alternatives are :
  1. Data entry
  2. Software script which converts the PDF from IBD Digital edition in to tables.
  3. Subscribe to IBD etables and use the Composite Rating of 95% or Higher list instead of IBD 200. IBD 200 is 96 plus composite rating.
I personally use the third options after many readers alerted me to that possibility.


ybn said...

I subscribe to DailyGraphs online from IBD and get the same list in option 3 in excel format. I am not sure if etable and DG is the same subscription.

Zee Stock Market Detective On-Line said...

I do the data entry method.
I can and do remember the IBD 200 list by memory after typing out the list right out of the IBD newspaper into my watchlist.

Can easy convert them to Excel or Text format.

Is there an advantage to subscription IBD Digital or buying the newspaper? Not really, I have found the stocks usually have moved up a bit before the list gets published.

Ranjan. said...

I wonder if there is a IBD for the australian stock exchange as well. ..

BTW, this is one of the best and most informative blogs out there.. Keep it up.

skyricho said...

I too am interested in using Pradeep's methodologies on stocks listed on ASX. Any chance we can discuss?