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Opportunity Buffet

Some days the opportunities are obvious, some days the market action distracts you from real opportunities. Yesterday was one of those days. While the action was nervous and there were all sorts of reasons being attributed to the weak action, Mr Market was busy offering some fresh opportunities. The theme was Gold and good earnings.

No matter the circumstances during earnings season, good earnings , earnings acceleration and better earnings projections always attract buyers. Even during the bear market a handful of stocks which had stellar earnings were going up and there were still 100% plus movers during the 2000-2002 bear markets. Earnings trade still worked. Yesterday if you were focused on earnings, you would have not even noticed the weakness. Look at yesterdays big movers ( under Bullish EP) and look at the catalyst, it was earnings and future guidance.

So lets look at what Mr Market had in his buffet yesterday.......

Bullish IBD 70 plus EPS

ABX,Barrick Gold Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AEM,Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANIK,Anika Therapeutics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AUY,Yamana Gold Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AVAV,Aerovironment Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BLK,Blackrock Incorporated (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNH,Cnh Global Nv (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DSX,Diana Shipping Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DVR,Cal Dive Intl Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FCFS,First Cash Financial Svc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HUM,Humana Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KGC,Kinross Gold Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
M,Macy's Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PAAS,Pan Amer Silver Cp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRXI,Premier Exhibitions Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RLI,Rli Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SFD,Smithfield Foods Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SGMS,Scientific Games Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SILC,Silicom Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SLW,Silver Wheaton Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STJ,Saint Jude Medical Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SVU,Supervalu Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WCG,Wellcare Health Plans Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WNR,Western Refining Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Look at this list closely, what do you see, gold, silver and nice breakouts on earnings acceleration. You even find good nice flat bases and cup with handles. Out of this list FCFS, AVAV, AUY, DVR, ANIK, STJ, SGMS, STJ, RLI, PRXI, SVU, KGC, M, SFD, HUM, BLK, PAAS, CNH, SILC, WCG, ABX are all buy able. They have less than 10% price growth on month time frame. Out of that you can see a sector move, just starting to accelerate.Sector moves don't end in few days, most have multi month legs. You can also pick ones like HUM where event risk ( earnings) is out of the way. Some you can put in the watch list to buy on pullback.

With so many opportunities in the first list itself, do we really need to look at others.

Bullish Double Trouble

Here again you have 19 candidates and some good pickings worth a second look.

AGU,Agrium Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AP,Ampco-Pittsburgh Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZZ,Azz Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CHB,Champion Enterprises Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CHTP,Chelsea Therapeutics International Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNH,Cnh Global Nv (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CYTR,Cytrx Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DSX,Diana Shipping Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DYII,Dynacq Healthcare Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EVEP,EV Energy Partners LP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRXI,Premier Exhibitions Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RBY,Rubicon Minerals Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SA,Seabridge Gold Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SILC,Silicom Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WCG,Wellcare Health Plans Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WLSN,Wilsons The Leather Expt (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WNR,Western Refining Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
XRA,Exeter Resource Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Out of this list XRA, CYTR, CHB, PRXI, EVEP, AGU, CNH, SILC and WCG have buyable pattern with month weakness. Again the theme here is junior gold, agricultural industry and some with recent earnings behind them like CHB.

Bullish Multi Year Leaders
This is the place to look at when market is weak. This list represents stocks with extraordinary relative strength, so they can many times withstand bearish period and rally. We have 9 stocks here.

AGU,Agrium Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZZ,Azz Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CP,Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CSX,Csx Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CYTR,Cytrx Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRXI,Premier Exhibitions Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SA,Seabridge Gold Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SILC,Silicom Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Out of this CYTR, PRXI, CP, AGU, CSX, and SILC have less than 10% growth and buyable patterns.

Bullish Distressed Stock
Out of the three stocks in this scan GNTAD, CARN and PILL, I will investigate PILL, based on volume action.

Bullish Episodic Pivots

The stocks market in green are worth further investigation and some of them I have positions in. Some are better buys after a pullback.

Overall there were no lack on opportunities on bullish side yesterday. If I get time I will look at the bearish list in separate post.
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