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On February 27th we had a correction of some magnitude. The circumstances were vastly different. Look at these numbers below from that day. Look at the 65 days ratio.

Market Monitor

Total 4% plus bullish breakouts=24
Total 4% plus bearish breakouts=1404
65 day bullish/bearish ratio= 656/281
Stocks up 50% or more in a month=8
Stocks up 25% or more in a month=65
Number of stocks with 100% plus move =294
Number of stocks up 200% or more = 69
4% plus signals for 100plus universe=2
4% plus signals for 200plus universe=1

You will notice the 65 days ratio has deteriorated a lot during this correction and reversed. Which makes this different. In the past such ratio reversals have signaled 10 to 15% down moves. That does not mean this thing will develop same way, but the 1404 correction had panic written all over it. While this had enthusiastic dip buyers. So may be this might have more shakeout to get the dip buyers scared.
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James said...

The economic growth number that is published today (3.6%) is better than anticipated.

Inflation is relatively lower too.

That might indicate that the future is not as dark as some people want you to believe.


Anonymous said...

Pradeep, i was looking at the CandleGlance sectors charts in Stockcharts and about 99 % of the sectors were breaking down from early July, like a sentiment shift...how you determine when a sector or a stock shift from bullish to bear and how you can spot when a new sector moves to leadership position, i know i can look at IBD groups, but when they hit the top spot, a lot of the stocks inside the groups already been in a rally, thus propelling the group up

Pradeep Bonde said...

Look at the trend in 4% breakouts. They are mostly medical, health care related stocks.