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Market Monitor

  • Momentum, earnings, and interest rates make for a good volatile mix at this juncture. Market has entered new high territory on Market Monitor.
  • Stocks up more than 50% in a month is at 16 now, so not much will be buy able from longer term trade perspective. However all the existing momentum positions are now moving in to runaway mode. Timing long entries on momentum stock after a minor market correction puts you in to such position.
  • The rally is broadening. It is no more the DJ and large cap show. Large number of high beta stocks and technology stocks are witnessing good breakouts.
  • Momentum is cyclical, so this move will play itself out with more momentum. Along the way there might be some pullbacks.
  • When trading becomes too easy and you have several 3 dollar plus moves, a correction might be just around the corner. So protecting open profits is key.
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Editor said...

FONR is interesting... possibly a neglected stock with a catalyst? huge volume increase on news about recent sales and how they have noticed a sudden increase in demand for thier MRI product...

45M=A little to small of cap for my tastes, but I wanted to know your thoughts on it

Unknown said...

Hey Pradeep,

What are your takes on INFY and WIPRO. I just wanted to know what will you approach these companies after their earnings?


Pradeep Bonde said...

I am skeptical. Many times when there is red hot momentum in market some companies release news to squeeze shorts.

Both INFY and WIT are laggards with no relative strength.

Manoj Kholia said...

Pradeep I was trying to reach Market Monitor speadsheet it says acess denied ..
thats paid or something ...

Pradeep Bonde said...

No. It might be freak Google error. Try again.

MyFriendFate said...
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