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Episodic Pivot + Bullish 4 plus breakout

Bearish Episodic Pivot
ACA (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BHI (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CPA (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
LUFK (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
MVSN (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
RTP (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
VIMC (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart

Bullish Episodic Pivot
ABN (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BIDU (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CF (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CHNR (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
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SIF (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
XING (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
ZIOP (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart

Multi Year Leader Breakout
AGU (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BTJ (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BW (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
DYN (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
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POT (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
RRI (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
SIGM (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart

Double Trouble
ACOR (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
ASTI (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
BCSI (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
CLRT (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
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ULTR (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
WRNC (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
WSCI (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart

EPS 70 plus
ACM (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
EDN (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
SIM (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
SPEC (Google  Yahoo  Earnings  Chart
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Anonymous said...

Hi skytrader, just wanted to say welcome to the blog and looking forward for your insight and to learn from you. Thanks for the list and thanks to Pradeep for his list and highlights on the stocks

Anonymous said...

i was going thru the list and the last section you labeled 'OTHER'...what is the criteria for other? i charted some of the stocks and i see EP from a technical standpoint, even is in a downtrend. i know may not be a IBD 200 quality stock, however, i see a temporary supply and demand imbalance that can be exploited if having a quick trigger in and out or just a stock for a watchlist to keep an eye see whats going on later on...am i wrong?

Pradeep Bonde said...

The other section basically consists of stocks up 4% or more on higher volume, which do not fit in to any of the categories mentioned above. You can find opportunities in them also. Going through that list daily helps you to understand sector rotation and small cap/ large cap style change.