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Earnings Tracker

In order to keep an eye on companies that announced earnings, but that does not get reflected in either IBD or WSJ databases, I monitor some 3-4 sources intra day. That way you do not miss out on any major earnings news.

  1. Marketwatch News Ticker
  2. Winners and Losers This is excellent source of catalyst For EP candidates also.
  3. Earnings Watch
  4. Updates Advisories and Surprises
  5. Hot Stocks
  6. Earnings Calender
  7. Latest Earnings
The trick is to focus only on 100% plus earnings in these sources. Sometime it may not be clear but stock price reaction tells you rest of the story.
Those who have volunteered for Earnings Tracker should keep a close eye on these during the day and add items under the Earnings News sheet.
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silverstartrading said...

Is there an easier way to view the earnings tracker spreadsheet other than on the sidebar? Perhaps a full page view...thanks for everyone's work!

Pradeep Bonde said...

There is a link below it.
To view complete data visit: Earnings Tracker
That is hyper link to complete spreadsheet

silverstartrading said...

Ahh...sorry about that. Thanks again.

Editor said...

add synl .50 vs .24 to the list.
kind of interesting, was a top IBD stock, but then it plummeted like crazy until it announced just now...
All the overhead resistance is a little scary, but it could also be a great chance to get it undervalued, and if it does end up breaking through resisitance it could explode
what do you think?

Pradeep Bonde said...

Added it under news.
Tommorrow onwards I will keep one open earnings thread, where everyone can post earnings related things only, that way everyone can participate , from the comments we can transfer stocks to news sheet later. Because today there are many more double digit stocks at least on news, I have seen like NDAQ.
Going by reaction so far post earnings I will pass this.
Good earnings are instantly rewarded with buying frenzy, which does not seem to be the case here.

ybn said...

How about adding AVCI to the list.

Pradeep Bonde said...

AVCI earnings up only 52%

Unknown said...

Hi Pradeep, I learned from your earnings play posts that one should try to enter as early as possible once the earnings news breaks out. Many stocks gap up. It's easy to manage it if it keeps going higher, i.e. taking partial profits or trailing stop, etc. However, if the stock goes against you, how do you manage it? For instance, MLAN this morning is a very good example. After I saw the news -- %155 income, %19 revenue -- I put a limit order in the premarket at 48.5, sure it couldn't get filled, the stock gapped open at 50.02, shot up to 52, then in 5 mintues it went down and kept going down all day to 48. I am thinking how I would have played it, so if I had a market order right at open it probably would get filled around 51 (mostly likely even higher), if I put a stop at $1 down from the gap, I would have been stopped out at $49 today, taking a $2 loss. Is that how you would manage it? or you may have better ideas? Will you enter it again once it breaks out $49 or other levels? Thanks!

Pradeep Bonde said...

First is one does not play every earnings play. Second there is no sure fire formula. Way I play it is by putting position and closing it immediately if it does not run.
When you see a good earnings candidate in this earnings season you will know it. DYII was one. The buyers just keep coming and keep buying in boatloads.

The trick is in selecting the right stock to enter. Insurance, bank, financials in general do not make good earnings candidates.
The first question I ask when looking at earnings play is how much will this run. Second is this neglected ( MLAN is at all time high , so it is hardly neglected,QEPC was).

Rob Pitingolo said...

I also scan http://www.briefing.com/Investor/Private/Calendars/EarningsCalendarThisWeek.htm every day. The database is looking great!

Unknown said...

Thanks very much for your insights, Pradeep. I am a newbie, I feel I've already learned a lot from you. At the same time, please pardon my ignorance. Would you please elaborate the reasons that insurance, banks and financials do not make good earnings candidates? Also, how do you tell how much a stock can run? I know those things take a lot of experience, if you could share them, I'd much appreciate it! Thanks!

Numerius said...

I havnt seen any great opportunities yet. Im just hoping to make 1 good trade, hopefully ill know it when i see it.

THis game is more challenging now with the market so hot, it would be MUCH easier at a market bottom.

BEIT said...

Hello anyone,

Try this earnings link as well:


The new entries appear as the earnings are announced.

BEIT said...

I think this blog has all chances of becoming a great meeting and info-exchanging point for those interested in the earnings strategy.

Pradeep, thanks. I am learning a lot from your posts and also from the posts, blogs and comments of the other readers. So nice to have a place where people share their knowledge freely and where nobody tries to sell you the strategy.

Right now I have been trying to figure out, in a systematic way, what factors determine the probability, size, and timing of post-earnings pullbacks. Any future posts on that?

Pradeep Bonde said...

Thanks. Tomorrow morning I will keep a open post for earnings, where in comment everyone can post their own earnings analysis and reason for selecting not selecting stocks. Plus intra day earning news can be collated in it.
I will be making a post on earnings tomorrow based on questions and concerns.