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Earnings Tracker

Here are some clarifications to many emails on the Earnings Tracker.
  • It tracks only earnings above 5 cents for stocks whose earnings doubled and sales increased 5%. Stocks with less than that earnings also go up, but to priorities these cut offs are used. You are free to use your own cut off, however the spreadsheet will only track what I mentioned above. You can set up your own spreadsheet for your cut offs.
  • IBD and WSJ are two sources used for the data. What ever errors they have, get reflected in the tracker. There are other institutional quality data providers who are more accurate and reliable, but I see no value in paying the high fees for them.
  • Earnings are announced after hours after market close, before market open, and during market day. The tracker captures only first two at best. If you see the second earnings news tab, you will see intra day or before market open earnings news.
  • There is no reliable way to get earnings on neglected stock. If that was the case, they would no more be neglected and also not make those kind of moves. That is the market reality. I am comfortable with it.
  • To access the full spreadsheet, you have to click on " Google Docs and Spreadsheet" link on top.
  • To access other sheets you have to click on " Earnings News" and "PB Comments"
  • Yes lot of information can be added to the spreadsheet, as of now I have around 23 new column requests. But adding all those things will make the entire process so complex and cumbersome that we will have to hire a CEO to manage the Spreadsheet. If you need that much information to trade earnings strategy, may be you should not trade it.
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the earnings spreadsheet. I think it's great.

I clicked on the google link above it and can't get it to load. I keep getting a blank spreadsheet. Any ideas? Does the spreadsheet have it's own url?

Pradeep Bonde said...


Unknown said...

I had the same experience as Keller. Can you make the "Earnings Database" heading a link? Thanks.

Pradeep Bonde said...

added link below