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Opportunity Buffet

Mr Market offers speculative opportunities everyday. Some days the spread is large, some days you have few things to chose from. The opportunity spread is largely a function of your methods, your basic comfort with buying breakouts or buying pullback, or whether you are looking for quick buck or longer term play. The opportunity exists in the market. The tools to exploit those opportunities are with the traders. When the two match, Mr Market ensures you never go hungry.

So lets look at the opportunities in todays scans. There are 79 bullish breakouts and there are 103 bearish breakouts, in addition we have around 20 odd Episodic Pivot opportunities (some, not all of them are also part of the 79 bullish or 103 bearish breakout list). You can even look at some pullback opportunities. Everyday this is the spread from which I generate opportunities. I may not buy or short sell all of them, in fact my trades are very few, but the mental discipline and method is practiced daily. As you do it more, it takes less time and you can spot opportunities instantly.

Bullish IBD 70 plus EPS
There are 16 breakouts with IBD 70 plus EPS ratings.

ARTW,Art's-Way Manufacturing (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AXR,Amrep Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BRLC,Syntax-Brillian Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CEDC,Central European Dist (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GROW,U.S. Global Invest Inc A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KMGB,Kmg Chemicals Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LPHI,Life Partners Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MAIL,Incredimail (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MHJ,Man Sang Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NILE,Blue Nile (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PED,Smartpros Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PNX,Phoenix Companies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RTSX,Radiation Therapy Services (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SNCR,Synchronoss Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TO,Tech-Ops Sevcon Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Out of this PNX, MAIL, GROW, RTSX, MHJ, BRLC, ARTW are possible buys today or some on pullbacks.

Bullish Double Trouble
There are 25 breakouts in this list. If you have noticed the pocket of momentum in the market is amongst the high relative strength stocks in last few days.

AATI,Advanced Analogic Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANTP,Phazar Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ARTW,Art's-Way Manufacturing (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASTI,Ascent Solar Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASYS,Amtech Systems Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BIOS,BioScrip Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBRX,Columbia Laboratories (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPHD,Cepheid (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DWCH,Datawatch Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DYII,Dynacq Healthcare Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ELON,Echelon Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EMS,Emergency Medical Services L.P. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ESMC,Escalon Medical Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JNS,Janus Capital Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KMGB,Kmg Chemicals Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LPHI,Life Partners Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MAIL,Incredimail (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MHJ,Man Sang Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NILE,Blue Nile (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PED,Smartpros Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RZ,Raser Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SNCR,Synchronoss Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TSYS,Telecommunications Systm (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VSR,Versar Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Now out of this list TSYS, KMGB, MAIL, AATI, MHJ, ELON are possible buys.

Bullish Multi Year Leaders
There are 4 stocks in this scan.
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JNS,Janus Capital Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KMGB,Kmg Chemicals Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LPHI,Life Partners Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart

Out of that only possible buy candidate in KMGB.
This scan without the breakout criteria is excellent scan for finding pullback candidate and creating an anticipatory list. I will have more about it in later part of this post.

Bullish Distressed Stocks
Value investors and contrarian types search for diamonds near 52 week low. Such stocks may not be immediate buys but researching them can get you in a out of favor stocks. Sometimes they have ferocious 10 to 25% rallies if they are heavily shorted or if emotions reach extremes. I research them later to see if one can find something it the garbage.

AAC,Ableauctions.Com Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ALT,Alteon Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CAMP,Calamp Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBRX,Columbia Laboratories (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CTIC,Cell Therapeutics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KHK,Kitty Hawk Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MOVI,Movie Gallery Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NGEN,Nanogen Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OTD,O2 Diesel Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRZ,Paincare Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RDCM,Radcom Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TMY,Transmeridian Exploration Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TOA,Technical Olympic Usa Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Out of this CTIC has had 56% bounce from low in last few days. So I will research this later. ( Today I am running late on this, otherwise I do this in the night itself, because if you find something good, one must enter quickly)

Bullish Episodic Pivots
There were 19 stocks meeting the EP conditions of price and volume. Now this strategy is what contributes 80% of my profit in a year. Out of this I look for the stocks which have potential to make 100% plus moves in next one year or so based on their catalyst. So the members of this list get very detailed scrutiny compared to others, where I buy without much thinking. Some of these I buy same day or intra day , some after pullback. Once I select stock with potential from this I track it for year or more for further entries or pyramiding. So in short this strategy gives the 100% plus while remaining give 20 to 50% kinds.

AFFY,Affymax Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANTP,Phazar Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
APPB,Applebee's International (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ARTW,Art's-Way Manufacturing (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AXR,Amrep Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BRLC,Syntax-Brillian Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CKSW,Clicksoftware Technlgies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DJO,DJO Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DYII,Dynacq Healthcare Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ELON,Echelon Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EPG,Environmental Power Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GEOY,Geoeye Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IF,Indonesia Fund (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IHP,Ihop Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LEA,Lear Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MHJ,Man Sang Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NILE,Blue Nile (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OPTT,Ocean Power Tech Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PYX,Playtex Products Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Now that pretty much sums up the bullish opportunity. Now besides these scans on bullish side I also everyday look at the Month 50% plus list. The list has 12 candidates as of today. Much of the learnings on what works on runaway moves, I have gathered over years is by studying this list along with the 100% plus list. There is another scans which I have added in recent weeks to my daily list : The High Tight Flag, about which I wrote few weeks ago.

Bearish Breakouts
Mr Market is offering lots of possible short opportunities today. There are 103 candidates in short scans. I don't make much money from short side, I find more long candidates than I can invest in. Market is not yet in bearish territory. So this list I mostly look at for sector rotation trends. I also look for where the breakouts are concentrated. Currently many stocks are having 4% down moves near their highs, which is indicative of the volatility in market. It also indicates some sectors have run out of gas temporarily and pulling back.

ACA,ACA Capital Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AFSI,AmTrust Financial Services Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ARTE,Artes Medical Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AVR,Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BAMM,Books-A-Million Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BTJ,Bolt Technology Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BZP,BPZ Energy` Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CCJ,Cameco Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CORS,Corus Bankshares Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CRR,Carbo Ceramics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CRY,Cryolife Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CSAR,Caraustar Industries Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CVTX,Cv Therapeutics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CXG,CNX Gas Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DCP,DynCorp International Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DVR,Cal Dive Intl Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ERJ,Embr Emprs Brsl De Aero (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FCFS,First Cash Financial Svc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FCL,Foundation Coal Holdings (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FHI,First Trust Strategic High Income Fund (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FHY,First Trust Strategic High Income Fund II (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FLML,Flamel Technologies Sa (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FMCN,Focus Media Holding Ltd ADR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FRPT,Force Protection Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FTK,Flotek Industries Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FXEN,Fx Energy Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GDP,Goodrich Petrol Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GLDN,Golden Telecom Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GOT,Gottschalks Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GWW,W.W. Grainger Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HDL,Handleman Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HHGP,Hudson Highland Grp Inc W/i (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HOKU,Hoku Scientific Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HYTM,Hythiam Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ICOC,Ico Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IMMR,Immersion Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
INFN,Infinera Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISIS,Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISPH,Inspire Pharmaceuticals (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISSC,Innovative Solutions (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JAV,Javelin Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JRCC,James River Coal Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KG,King Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LDK,LDK Solar Co Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LLNW,Limelight Network Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MBLX,Metabolix Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MBWM,Mercantile Bank Corp Mi (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NEXC,Nexcen Brands Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NGS,Natural Gas Svcs Grp Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NLC,Nalco Holding Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NM,Navios Maritime Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PTT,Vcg Holding Copr (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REDF,Rediff.Com India Ltd Ads (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REFR,Research Frontiers Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REGN,Regeneron Pharm Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SEH,Spartech Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SFN,Spherion Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SIFY,Sify Ltd Adr (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SJM,Jm Smucker (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPAR,Spartan Motors Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SSI,Stage Stores Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STAR,Starent Networks (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SYNL,Synalloy Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TEO,Telecom Argentina Sa (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TLVT,Telvent Git Sa Ord (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRCA,Tercica (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRID,Trident Microsystems Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TSL,Trina Solar Ltd. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TWIN,Twin Disc Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UEIC,Universal Electronics (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
URRE,Uranium Resources (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
USU,Usec Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UTI,Universal Technical Institute (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UVE,Universal Insurance Holdings (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VCI,Valassis Communications (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VSE,VeraSun Energy Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WMG,Warner Music Group Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

If you are looking for theme in this list, the solar plays stand out. NYT had a negative article on the industry and the sector took a hit. Might be worth keeping an eye on. CCJ was a stock which I had highlighted in my post yesterday and it had nice 4% downside move after that.

Now that sums up the opportunity landscape for today. Everyday I do this same thing and find fresh opportunities and keep tab on what is going up and what is going down.

What about anticipation. While breakout is a reactive strategy, lot of time I anticipate some breakouts. This I do by using the multi year leader universe. The multi year leader strategy, if you remember looks for stocks with multi year relative strength. So it picks top 25% stocks based on 5, 3, 2, 1 , and half year price ranking. What I do is sort this list by 22 day growth and pick stocks with less than 10% growth. These are ideal candidates for anticipating a breakout.

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Tajir said...

AXR in Bullish IBD 70 plus EPS has RS rating of only 4, what was the reason of it being selected under IBD EPS 70 category.

Pradeep Bonde said...

The scan is for 70 plus EPS, it does not take RS ratings in to consideration.