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Opportunity Buffet Part 2

There are dark clouds on the horizon. We are probably at the start of a correction of some magnitude. I am very happy about it for two reasons. First it coincides with my 4 weeks vacation starting this Friday, so anyway I am sitting on tons of cash after closing most positions . Second, all the long systems work best post a 10% or so correction.

Mr Market has 182 opportunities for those looking for shorts,. With so much choice, you should be able to find tons of opportunities. Unlike longs I do not break down the shorts in to many groupings, as on majority of the days in a typical year, you have just handful of short candidates appearing in scans.

ABPI,Accentia BioPharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ABY,Abitibi-Consolidated Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ACEL,Alfacell Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ACTL,Actel Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ACTS,Actions Semiconductor Co Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ACTU,Actuate Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ADLS,Advanced Life Sciences Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ADSK,Autodesk Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AFCE,AFC Enterprises Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AFSI,AmTrust Financial Services Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AGO,Assured Guaranty Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AIT,Applied Industrial Tech (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ALEX,Alexander & Baldwin Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AMFI,Amcore Financial Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AMP,Ameriprise Financial Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AMSC,American Superconductor (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANET,Authorize.Net Hldgs Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AOB,American Oriental Bioengineering Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
APLX,Applix Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASBC,Associated Banc-corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASYT,Asyst Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AVD,American Vanguard Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AVR,Aventine Renewable Energy Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZPN,Aspen Technology Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BC,Brunswick Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BJGP,Beijing Medpharm Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BKI,Buckeye Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BOW,Bowater Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BRKR,Bruker Biosciences Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BSM,BSD Medical Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BTH,Blyth Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BVF,Biovail Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BXC,Bluelinx Holdings (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CADX,Cadence Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CAE,Cascade Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CAO,Csk Auto Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CAT,Caterpillar Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBC,Capitol Bancorp Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBD,Companhia Brasiliera De (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBF,Cbre Realty Finance Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CBG,Cb Richard Ellis Svcs (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CHC,Centerline Holding Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CHCI,Comstock Homebuilding Comp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CIA,Citizens Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CITP,Comsys It Partners Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CLR,Continental Resources Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CMCO,Columbus Mckinnon Cp(Ny) (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CMN,Cantel Medical Corp. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNVR,Convera Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPSI,Computer Programs & Systems (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CSIQ,Canadian Solar Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CTB,Cooper Tire & Rubber Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CUB,Cubic Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CUTR,Cutera Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CWT,California Water Svc Grp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CYBS,Cybersource Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CYTK,Cytokinetics (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ERIC,Lm Ericsson Telephone Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ESE,Esco Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EVC,Entravision Cmmnctns (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EVR,Evercore Partners Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FOSL,Fossil Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FPFC,First Place Fincl Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FRME,First Merchants Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FRPT,Force Protection Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GBX,Greenbrier Companies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GEHL,Gehl Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GGR,Geoglobal Resources Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GHDX,Genomic Health Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GILD,Gilead Sciences Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GMR,Genl Maritime (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GOOG,Google (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GPC,Genuine Parts Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GPCB,GPC Biotech AG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HALO,Halozyme Therapeutics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HSTX,Harris Stratex Network (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HUBG,Hub Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HWCC,Houston Wire & Cable Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IBNK,Integra Bank Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ICO,International Coal Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IESC,Integrated Electrical Services Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IGTE,Igate Corporaion (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
INCY,Incyte Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
INPC,Inphonic (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
INSU,Insituform Technols Cl A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
IPCC,Infinity Property & Casualty (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISSC,Innovative Solutions (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JADE,Lj Internat Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JASO,Ja Solar Hldgs Co Ads (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JAV,Javelin Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JNS,Janus Capital Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JOSB,Jos A Bank Clothiers (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KBW,KBW Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KOP,Koppers Holdings (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KOSN,Kosan Biosciences Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LCRD,Lasercard Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LEA,Lear Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LTS,Ladenburg Thalmann Finl (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MATW,Matthews Internat Cp Cla (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MED,Medifast Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MERC,Mercer Internat Inc Sbi (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MHO,M/i Homes Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MOVI,Movie Gallery Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTE,Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTEX,Mannatech Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTG,Mgic Investments Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTMD,Microtek Medical Hldgs Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTZ,Mastec Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NAFC,Nash-finch Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NCT,Newcastle Investment (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NFI,Novastar Financial Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NPLA,InPlay Technologies Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NTMD,Nitromed Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NVTL,Novatel Wireless Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NWK,Network Equipment Tech (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NYNY,Empire Resorts Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OKSB,Southwest Bancorp Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OLN,Olin Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OMG,Om Group Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OMNI,Omni Energy Services Cp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OMPI,Obagi Medical Products Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ONT,On2.Com Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OPWV,Openwave Systems Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OTD,O2 Diesel Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PFGC,Performance Food Group (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PHRM,Pharmion Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PKTR,Packeteer Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PLCM,Polycom Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PLL,Pall Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PLXT,Plx Technology Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRM,Primedia Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRS,Primus Guaranty (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PSEM,Pericom Semiconductor Cp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PSSI,Pss World Medical Inc. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
QDEL,Quidel Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RDN,Radian Group (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REV,Revlon Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RTIX,Regeneration Technologis (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SBNY,Signature Bank (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SBSA,Spanish Brdcstng Sys A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SIGA,Siga Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SIL,Apex Silver Mines Ltd (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SIX,Six Flags Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SJW,SJW Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SLH,Solera Holdings Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SMHG,Sanders Morris Harris Grp Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SON,Sonoco Products Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPC,Spectrum Brands Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPPI,Spectrum Pharm Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SSYS,Stratasys Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SUPR,Superior Bancorp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SWC,Stillwater Mining Co (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SWHC,Smith & Wesson Hldg Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SYMM,Symmetricom Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TARR,Tarragon Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TDY,Teledyne Technologies (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TEC,Teton Energy Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TF,Thai Cap Fd Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TGIC,Triad Guaranty Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
THS,TreeHouse Foods Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRCA,Tercica (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRGL,Toreador Resources Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TSTC,Telestone Technologies Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TWPG,Thomas Weisel Partners Group (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TXCO,Txco Resources Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UBA,Urstadt Biddle Properties (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UBET,Youbet.Com Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UCFC,United Community Finan (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UNG,US Nat Gas FD ETF (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UNTD,United Online Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
USTR,United Stationers Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
USU,Usec Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UTSI,UTStarcom Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VIV,Vivo Participacoes S.A. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WCI,Wci Communities (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WHI,W Holding Company (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WHR,Whirlpool Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WIBC,Wilshire Bancorp Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WSBC,Wesbanco Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
X,US Steel Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
XLNX,Xilinx Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ZRAN,Zoran Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Now faced with so much choice, how do you reduce it to few opportunities. Here are some of the ways I slice and dice such large opportunity pool:
  1. Based on yearly growth. Pick the ones with highest growth.
  2. Look at candidates appearing in "How to find shorts" scan
  3. Take the top 25 ranked by price. When shorting highest price are preferable.
  4. Take the top 25 ranked by float.
  5. Take stocks which IPOed in last two years. Young companies also make good shorts.
  6. Use Boucher style selection criteria, which I talked about in my post: "Mark Boucher on short selling"
  7. Use technical chart patterns like double top, bear flag, broadening top, trend line support break etc.
  8. Pick the one closest to 52 weeks low
  9. Pick the ones closest to 52 week top and breaking down
  10. Don't short. Wait for long opportunities. After all Warren Buffett is the second richest person in the world and he got their without shorting stocks !!!
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1 comment:

Numerius said...

Russell 2k would break March bottom in a correction. We are right now slightly above where the Russell was just before the March correction so a meaningful correction should easily break that low. Russell 2k value looks very weak and chart would get ugly fast if we had a correction. The string of higher lows would get broken with a fall below 1150.


Small caps really are not leaders anymore.