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Gaps, gaps and more gaps

Several gap ups post earning. When you see so much froth, its time for some caution. Many of these will require lot of sideways actions before these stocks make further progress.
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walter said...

breakaway, runaway or exhaustion gaps?

made on decent volume?

Pradeep Bonde said...

Most look like breakaway on earning. Many of these are old industry stocks and if they are breaking out, we might be in for some interesting times.

EAT, COH, OMC, IBM, SYK, KO, MHP,JNJ, BCR etc just to name few in last couple of days.

walter said...

your boy Nouriel is out with another post...

his observations are right on - time will prove or disprove his predicitons...

at any rate, he's writing for an audience that is interested in economics, he's not writing for stock traders/investors, even though they may read him.

that being said, what he is saying is not incompatible with rising dow/markets...

Pradeep Bonde said...

Nouriel Roubini also has a paid service which is bought by hedge funds and other institutional investors. So he is not just an economist.

Lot of those who listened to him and Barry Ritholtz are waiting waiting waiting for the shoe to drop.

There was an interesting post sometime back on Baryy Ritholtz blog few days back from a guy who lost 30000 USD on puts listening to these bearish commentators.

He was pounced upon by the hardcore followers and Barry told to FO.