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Did you make money in 2010 and 2009

Do you really think this market was difficult to make money in last year as this article claims.
21 Ways to Rebound
Unfortunately, the majority of retail players flipping stocks, futures and currencies this year probably lost money, getting caught in the flash crash and high volatility tape that continued through the summer. Indeed, that was a tough period for everyone, including long-time professionals.

Market Monitor timing tool kept us out of flash crash. We were out much before the crash. If you understand market breadth and how to use it you will avoid such periods most of the time.
Same way you will be on right side of trend when the trend changes. Like it did in August and the Market Monitor signaled that. 
If you are serious about making money there is no excuse to not mastering market breadth.
A thorough understanding of market breadth will help you stay on right side of the trend year after year.
The effort involved in learning about breadth is onetime effort. At best it will take you a month to understand it and design your own model for timing.
Besides that if you have not been able to make money in last 2 years, you really need to rethink your approach to trading. What that article does is just tells you what not to do, but it does not tell you what to do if you want to be a winner.
None of those don'ts will make you money. There is no template that the article offers to make money.Such unspecific advise is in abundance.
If you are serious about making money and doing it year after year, take your trading  seriously and learn the basic way in which successful traders extract money out of market year after year.
The key to extracting money from market is to learn the language of setups and concentrate on mastering high probability setup and then develop procedural memory to execute that setup. You need a template to do this.
That process will lead you to develop self efficacy beliefs. Once that happen you will join the winners club.
As you can see on this site  (members site) many people have done this successfully. Look at how people have used my basic template to develop method of their own. Some have very successfully adopted it to day trading. Tumbler and his gang have taken the basic concept of Episodic Pivots and found a way to day trade using that concept. And as you can see from his daily performance, he has been killing the market. And he has detailed his method step by step so you have clear template. It is not some vague advise saying don't do these things. It is very specific setup idea and if you follow his steps to the T, you can find similar trades. 
Same way people like DC, BH, Mpraps and others have taken the setup templates discussed here and adopted it to working people. Working people can not watch the market in real time and they have overcome that problem successfully by tweaking the method. Again you will see that they have detailed the steps for how to do that. In fact DC developed a special software for Working People which quickly help them find high probability setups. And as you can see from the trade ideas and trades they post they are also making a killing. 
This week I got many emails from members who had bumper year and for first time they felt confident about their trading. What did these people do differently from the winners. They learned the setup template and developed their own variation of it to suit their style. 
If you are serious about your trading and want to build profitable future for yourself stay tuned. In next couple of week I will be going over all the basics again and again. Besides that the greatest learning for many members happen by interacting with other members who have done it successfully. As you can see the format of the members site allows you to quickly access the expertise of winning members and the strong emphasis on developing procedural memory and self efficacy beliefs helps you quickly get on to the winning train. There are over 5000 pages of material on various setups and trading psychology. Most of that material you will not find easily in public domain. Especially the material on procedural memory and self efficacy beliefs is something that will help you become profitable trader. 
If you want to make money in 2011, the basics do not change. You need a high probability setup idea that includes stock selection, entry, exit, risk , stops. Then you need to develop procedural memory to execute that setup efficiently. Third you need to develop self efficacy beliefs. If you do that you will join the winners club. 

Some recent member feedback

"You come to Stockbee with a skull full of mush, and you leave thinking like a Trader."

 THis is best site I have seen as our Guru again and again emphasis the mental/psychological part.And I have been around since 1985 Two trader if taught a successful setup will have different results.One may make a lot of money and other loose it all. Because the mental makeup of each is different.There will have different degrees of implementation of same setup. One of them will have a loosing tarde and then instead of getting out he/she may go so "Hope and Pray" phase and worse average down
"I am very happy with my decision to become a stockbee member. If you want to learn a good method of trading, you have come to the right place. If you are unsure about joining, or if you want "a free sample," go through the Stockbee blog, which is free. You will know right then if this material is going to be of interest to you, and you will also see what kind of teacher Pradeep is. You can get a great education just by studying the blog. Members enjoy the additional benefits of having all the best practices laid out before them on a silver platter with nothing held back. You get every formula to every calculation, and I think Pradeep's teaching skills are among the best I've seen. Repetition, simplicity, clarity. I enthusiastically recommend this site to my friends." - "greginmarin"

Look at the successful traders on this site, by looking at their trades you know what style they trade, and day in and day out it's the same thing over and over. They're not bouncing all over the place.

There are no free trials for the subscription. The site is not a subscription service like a magazine or stock picking service. The subscription gets you access to materials that will help you learn to trade successfully on your own. Members learn about core concepts and how to build swing trading methods around those concepts. It is not only learning Stockbee methods, it is about teaching members to have the ability to build their own methods and trade independently. There are no free trials is because it is difficult to put a timeline on how long it takes people to learn to trade through the site. You will not know in 30 days what your results would be in a year or two years.
The site contains trading guides and blog articles that teach core concepts of trading and mental aspects of trading through articles, videos, and exercises that are meant to make you think. Members chat on the timeline about trading ideas, methods, and other trading related issues. Members help each other with questions and are truly a community.
So, if you want to learn to trade as a skill, and are willing to work hard on the front end to learn, you are at the right place. If you want to simply get trade picks and not learn anything about how to trade on your own, this is not the site. If you try to trade Stockbee’s trades without learning the other aspects of how to trade you will lose your capital. This site is a place of learning. If you are not willing to learn over the course of months or years, trading may not be for you.

all i can  is that I was in the same boat a year back. it took me 3 months to convince myself to join... :))
felt so bad that why, why did i wait even though i came across your free blog 3-4 years back and just forgot about it (trying to be smart-ass)

I started day trading 2 years ago and earlier this year I joined your website.  In this time I have learned not only how to trade, but what trading truly is.  I have learned by being a part of a community.  I have learned by making mistakes and asking questions.  I have learned by immersing myself into the thought process of successful traders.  I have learned how newbies think and how pros think.  Through this entire year, I can say that most importantly I have learned "how to learn".  I am a college educated man with a degree in Finance and I have to say that I never truly learned "how to learn" until now.  If it were not your posts on procedural memory I would never have known what success as a trader really means or how to achieve it.  I have gone from a terrible day trader to a profitable day trader using your methods of learning and have experienced great success using your momentum trading strategies.  I have a sizeable account for swing trading and am looking to move into a 7 figure account in the near future.  This is my experience so far with your website.

Stockbee site is first and foremost an educational site on stock trading by a professional trader.  The most focus and attention is on a swing trading style using momentum.

 What happens on stockbee site?
-Market analysis Videos
-daily commentary and educational tweets about stock market concepts in our own chat community platform
-You are available daily for questions in real time from members in the chat platform.
-Blog post written by you on several different topics such as swing trading, momentum trading, psychology, setups, methods, market timing, 401k investing etc…
-All members can interact with each other by posting messages on a message board.  Popular subjects on our message board is stock trading, stock methods members are using, shared information about the stock market, and many other different topics regarding stock trading and the stock market.  

What can a member gain by joining?

-Become part of an interactive trading community with Pradeep right there along with everyone.

-The member can learn about short term trading strategies with complete detailed guides on how to setup all tools and telechart scans to get you started.  

-Learn core concepts about swing trading using momentum that can make you a profitable trader.

-Learn how to time the market using a market timing breath model called Market Monitor, developed by Pradeep Bonde.

-Read informative educational blogs on variety of stock market topics. 

-Learn how to setup telechart scans for methods traded here. 

-Swing trade opportunities highlighted daily if the member chooses to take them.

This site is really all about becoming a serious trader and Pradeep is
a true visionary who understands the market and his trades. Guru
(Pradeep) teaches us; starting from what trading is all about to what
you need to do to become successful trader. He makes sure that all
members has great understanding about trading, how to find best
stocks, how to read market, how to read chart, when to bet on stock
and when to run. There are many videos about various trading

In nutshell, this site is for the people who want to become serious
trader and learn various techniques. Pradeep is a person who always
looks for a successful mechanism to trade and tries his best to teach
us the same. In honesty, he answers most stupid questions you can
think of starting from what is telechart? (yes I asked that one ……..)

Again, this site is a all in one package which includes:

·         Understanding market dynamics (market health) (Daily Video analysis)

·         Understanding when to enter into trade

·         Understanding how to read chart like pro

·         Understanding entries and exists

·         Understanding Risk management

·         Understanding trading psychology


If you follow above points, you will be the successful trader and Guru
will show you the path….

I would like to thank Guru for helping us in the journey…..

First, I would tell them (those looking for free trial) that if they can not afford to join your site, they should not be trading.  Then I would tell them that your site offers 1) interaction with all types of traders and investors.  A person can learn a lot from interacting with some of them, and he/she can waste a lot of time, money and effort listening to and following some of them; and 2) your site offers valuable methods of trading that can not be found anywhere else.

 If they can't tell it's value from reviewing what you offer for free, they probably will not understand what you are offering if they did join.  That is not your problem, I know, but people like that will generate numerous questions and emails, which over time may drive you nuts and not be worth the price they paid.................

Become a member Methods


MP said...

Hi Pradeep,

When did u start blogging about your trading experience ?

Just curious..

Pradeep Bonde said...

2005 onwards.