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Make big money in 2020

If you want to make money trading then you have to develop an edge. You have to find things that work in market and build your trading methods around them.

That kind of process requires good understanding of how markets operate and what works and why. If you base your methods on structural tendency of the market then you are likely to be profitable.

What makes some of this process difficult is that you have to figure out everything for yourself. There are many resources you can tap but ultimately the responsibility of making it work is your own.

You have to figure out how markets work on different timeframes and why. You have to figure out how different types of stocks behave over their lifetime. You have to figure out how IPO behave. You have to figure out how value and growth stocks behave. You have to figure out how momentum stocks behave. You have to figure out what factors drive stock returns.

You need to figure out how overall market direction affects the growth, value, and momentum stocks and how to adjust your style. 

You have to figure out how to manage risk. You need to figure out how to determine safe periods for your strategy and how to avoid unsafe periods.You have to figure out how to control per trade risk as well as overall risk so that your drawdowns remain very low and you can quickly recover from any setbacks.

You have to design your own method, devise your own rules and have enough confidence to trust your own method. 

Unless you start your career in a big bracket investment bank or in a hedge fund, this is the reality of trading success. All individual traders who are profitable over the years have done this and each one has taken a different route to get there and has spent different time frame to arrive at profitability.

The ability to learn trading on your own is going to determine your success. Some people persist at it for years and then they find success. Some try it for a few days or months and that is the end of it.

Today this task is easy. Internet has made tons of information and research available at fraction of cost and time it would take you to learn to trade 20 years ago. Brokerage commissions are extremely low (they were 39.99 each way when I started) . You have hundreds of good quality blogs and subscription sites available.

Build your trading around a successful trading approach based on structural market phenomenon. There are many such approaches in public domain. Even if you find a ready made profitable strategy you may not find success with it till you customise it for your own needs and beliefs and personality. But that should not take you ten years if you are part of good group of traders.

So much of trading is about individualization of methods to your own unique way of thinking and style. There are no standard methods. There are approaches. If you are smart, you would be able to build a method after studying some of the well known public domain approaches.

One of the big problems for many people is that they are waiting for Moses to give them detailed rules, guidelines and every single nuances. I have bad news for them. It is unlikely to happen. God is too busy handling other big problems in the world than to offer you get rich scheme.

From studying the history of the market you can find profitable approaches. When you study history you will see in spite of market changes, trading technology changes, market participants changes, rules and laws changes, some approaches have survived for hundreds of years.

Find those enduring approaches. Momentum investing has worked since markets were established. Growth investing has been around since 1600 when first stock markets started. It still is around. Value investing has been around since then, so is momentum investing and contrarian investing.

Approaches of trading time frames of day trading, swing trading, position trading, and long term investing have been around since the start of the markets. Technology today has allowed high frequency trading but the other approaches still remain valid. Most active traders focus on swing and day trading. 

As a trader you have to choose your timeframe based on your personality, psychological makeup, life styles, need to for regular returns and above all your skill level. Once you become good at one time frame it is easier to transition to different timeframes.

Swing trading. For hundreds of years traders have been trading some form of swing trading method. All of them arrived at that decision after several trials and errors. Different people use different terminology to describe swing trading. 

But whether it was Livermore, Darvas, Baruch, O'Neil, Zweig, Wyckoff, or most traders profiled in Market Wizard, one thing is common, they are basically swing traders. Swing traders primarily focus on capturing a part of the move or a swing in stock moves. 

Base your approach around swing trading your learning curve will be shortened.  I

Entry methods. If you understand swing trading you will understand that basic elements of any swing trading method are entry techniques, exit techniques, stop techniques, risk management techniques. Various traders use various entry techniques. 

Vehicle Selection. Once you understand swing trading and the nuances of it , you will also discover that selecting the right stock or instrument to swing trading can greatly enhance or magnify your returns.

Swing trading approach married to good vehicle selection and market timing will make you profitable quickly.

But your task is simple if you are a member of Stockbee. A Turn key ready made setup and method solution is given to you. You just need to make it work for you. 

Not only that you have access to several very successful traders approaches and methods. 

You can meet them in the Bootcamp or the  Advance Bootcamp and learn from them or you can interact with them on Timeline.
Previous Bootcamp Feedbacks

gravitarstockcatcha7:56 PM Apr 8th 2019
@Eg Thank you so much for the awesome Bootcamp you put on this weekend. This was my second time and I learned so much. I have pages and pages of notes to go through and lots to implement. Thank you for your time, knowledge and generosity. Also, nice meeting my fellow boot campers.

gravitarhamme8:33 AM Apr 8th 2019
@Pardeep: Can't Thank you enough for such an informative session. You always go above and beyond to ensure our learning. Beside being a successful businessman, you are a born teacher. Its a blessing to know people who are so generous in spending their time and wealth of knowledge.

gravitarSM9201517:02 PM Apr 7th 2019
@Pradeep- Thank you for a great bootcamp, and all the information you shared with us. Your simple and down-to-earth approach helped keep the focus on learning. Wish I had become a member and learnt your setups /tactics 10 years ago. I'll be Marie Kondo-ing a lot of other stuff I have picked up over the years.
For any new trader on the timeline- the most important and easiest thing for making money consistently is to master a setup that has 1) a good expectancy and 2) also is available in abundance. 3LYNCH ticks both those boxes!

gravitarTreyder4:34 PM Apr 7th 2019
@EG — Thank you for an incredible bootcamp. I’ve been wanting to go since I joined the site last year and it exceeded all expectations. Thank you for your time and patience. I enjoyed meeting other stockbee members and look forward to seeing everyone’s growth as traders.

gravitarARao4:28 PM Apr 7th 2019
Guru thank u for the fantastic Boot camp, always new some thing to new ...thanks pal...:-) Formula, Process and Execution... Thank u thank u...

roboticinvest2:24 PM Oct 29th 2018
Still digesting but key learnings from Bootcamp:
  1. Focus on core methods: $ b/o 4% b/o, ANTs, LTB, EP, NTRT
  2. The best trades make hundreds of trades in a year. They turn over their capital a lot.
  3. With proper trade management and a lot of trades, the good trades will earn you substantially more than the small losers. See #2.
  4. Strucurally, only two things really work in the market: momentum and post-earnings announcement.
  5. $ b/o is a good way to capture larger gains with limited risk; can take on bigger size and make more
  6. Approx 50% of ants will be swing trades, and 50% will fail, give or take. See #2
  7. The biggest advantage to $ b/o and ants is you can put your stop very close to entry. If it work is works great, if not, you only lose a little.
  8. Stop ignoring the NTRT post EG posts daily - there is money there if you focus on it.
  9. Stop looking for the shiny new things; focus on the core methods and perfect those.
  10. Trade analysis is important to get better: setup, process, market, or trader learnings.
  11. Momentum is key - the top momentum stocks are strong stocks to trade
  12. 3LYNCH and MAGNA5 works so use them
  13. Use stops, use stops, use stops, use stops. (No regret if it stops out)

cpmcknight2:05 PM Oct 29th 2018
EG, Bootcamp was awesome, my favorite was not any one thing by itself. I think it was your answers to questions that filled in the small gaps in what I learned from all your videos etc. Aggressively managing trades, the how to do it and NtRT left the biggest impressions. You were absolutely correct, it completed the learning loop. Thanks again for holding the training last minute!

morrow1101:46 PM Oct 29th 2018
This was my 2nd time of attending, and this was the best bootcamp. Thank you EG for your passion in the teachings and the market!

SleekTrader11:02 AM Oct 29th 2018
@EG - Thanks for the fantastic bootcamp, it always helps to get a reaffirmation of beliefs/methods, especially after having taken an extended break from the markets. Great turnout, and the detailed discussions re: various processes help cement the strategies. Bootcamp setting helped in refreshing & absorbing/assimilating a large amount of information in a short timeframe as well.

Just want to drop a note thanking you for putting on the boot camp.  Was really valuable to speak to you directly about trading these methods and confirming my learning over the past few months.  Now to go and make some money....

bizfix8:11 PM Oct 28th 2018
i loved bootcamp it was my second and once again walked away with confirmation that the key to success is money managemnet and stops.

ddash4:45 PM Oct 28th 2018
EG: Glad I made it to the bootcamp; thanks as always for another outstanding bootcamp; Lots of homework to do; Appreciate all your patience with many questions I asked. Have a profitable week ahead.

EG thanks for the excellent bootcamp. It has opened my eyes to how these simple methods make so much money in such short period of time. You explanation of how to manage trade was very eye opening . It has made me examine my beliefs and trading .
So many times I have just sat and let open profit go in hope of catching more gains. Your “half Whiskey” stop blew my mind away and I went back last night and analysed all my trades, If I had followed the approach you discussed I would have made 10 times more money than what I made in same trades. I also like your idea of using half of the days move stop on entry.
Last 2 days opened my eyes to how these simple and well thought out strategies like 4%, $ breakout and SLTB find almost every trade in the market. Your simplification of these methods and discussion of process was very useful to me and developing my own process.
Thank you for providing such a detailed roadmap on every setup and more than that explaining the logic behind everything.
I have attended seminars by many other well known traders , some costing more than 5000 dollars , but your 2 day bootcamp beats all that. I plan to attend many more in future.
Thank you again for your passion and effort.
You can post this on Timeline but do not put my name.

chiefmojorisin9:37 AM Sep 17th 2018
Bootcamp was great. I now am going to start to implement NTRT into my trading flower. This simple strategy is money making machine and EG explained it very well during Bootcamp. I recommend every trader who is serious about your trading journey to attend the Bootcamp. Thanks Pradeep.

Petethedog8:39 AM Sep 17th 2018
Many thanks for your boot camp EG. Words can not describe how helpful it was to me. It is a must for any trader to attend at least once.

mika8:38 AM Sep 17th 2018
Thank you Pradeep for drilling down the point of structural methods for 4% Breakout, Anticipation and NTRT. Appreciate all your help.

jaybm8:27 AM Sep 17th 2018
Thanks EG for another great boot camp. There's always some thing new to learn in each and every boot camp. Your detailed reviews of your trades where eye opening and was a window into your trading and trade management. Appreciate your generosity and selflessness in sharing your complete knowledge!

LB8:50 PM Sep 16th 2018
Another great boot camp in the books. This was also my third. I gain insights and knowledge every time. Pradeep is very generous sharing his methods and his personal evolution as a trader. Highly recommend regardless of experience level. Thanks to EG and to all of those who participated.

ram7:46 PM Sep 16th 2018
Thank you Pradeep for conducting the boot camp. This is my third boot camp. The main thing I got out of this boot camp is trade management, where I had been struggling. The simplified 3LYNCH and MAGNA5 are easy to execute. Thanks to all the attendees for asking questions. Learnt a lot from Pradeep's answers to the questions.

markhike7:23 PM Sep 16th 2018
Words are hard to describe the two-day Bootcamp experience. Thank you Guru for sharing your priceless knowledge, battle field experience and infectious passion for trading! It was mind-blowing and I completely filled up my notebook with valuable information which will take me a few weeks to absorb and put into use. I hope when looking back in the future, it was a turning point of massively profitable trading for me and many other attendees. Go 3LYNCH and MAGNA5!

magu0077:20 PM Sep 16th 2018
Thank you Pradeep for all the time you invested in the bootcamp, all the teaching and sharing tips ,info and experience. Surely it makes a big difference to participate, for me it was worth the trip. Thanks a lot. Marina

maxtrading856:59 PM Sep 16th 2018
Thank you Pradeep for sharing the vast amount of knowledge with us during the bootcamp. You clarified so many doubts in my mind regarding so many concepts that were blurry before this. I am sure that this will help me in taking my trading/investing to the next level. You are one gem of a person for creating this community and providing the knowledge that you have gained over long period of time and beautifully packaging it in two days. The way you clarified the concepts on setups, risk management, trade management and process with such simplicity was just amazing. I will forever be grateful to you for the time you took to teach us at the Bootcamp. You are the best.

pateldip845:53 PM Sep 16th 2018
Thank you Pradeep for the valuable time and knowledge you have shared with us these two days of Bootcamp.

I wanted to thank you for your dedication to aspiring traders and a great learning experience this weekend, Ive been a member for awhile now and I regret not coming to bootcamp sooner.

Hi EG,

Thanks so much for the incredible learning opportunity at the bootcamp this weekend.  I feel more confident that I can trade successfully after spending two days with one of the best in the business!! I also enjoyed meeting the other attendees. I plan on attending another bootcamp in the future. 


morrow1101:49 PM Feb 19th 2018
@eg, The boot camp filled in the gaps for me in terms of which strategies to concentrate based on setups different characteristics. It is highly recommended to those who recently joined or never been to the camp (like myself). Just reading and watching the videos will not give you solid footing unless one knows which set ups are right for one's life style. It was time well worth spent. Thanks again.

ARao12:16 PM Feb 19th 2018
@eg thank you for the super Bootcamp.. :) it was good learning...

prem19649:47 AM Feb 19th 2018
@easyguru, the bootcamp was excellent. I learned so much. thanks for taking the time to teach us.
shareade6:58 AM Feb 19th 2018
@easyguru , Thanks for your dedication and Passion to teach us the Methods at the Bootcamp. It was two days of intense focus and learning. Many gaps in my knowledge were filled. As someone new to this, I went home feeling more assured and confident that I can make this system work for me.
iqs10:29 PM Feb 18th 2018
@eg thank you so much for such great teaching at the bootcamp. you are truly a passionate and dedicated instructor.
jaybm9:08 PM Feb 18th 2018
Yet another amazing boot camp in the books. Throughly enjoyed interacting with all the attendees and learned a ton of stuff. Greatly appreciate Pradeep's generosity and willingness to share his knowledge.

tradeowl1:40 PM Mar 3rd 2017
I went to eg's bootcamp last year and I recommend it!

LB1:12 PM Mar 3rd 2017
Boot camp is very worth while. If you are serious and a beginner, the scales will start to fall off of your eyes at boot camp!

pmac12:48 PM Mar 3rd 2017
Agree with @bearing, bootcamp is well worth it, especially for newer traders
Bearing00111:23 AM Mar 3rd 2017
@All - bootcamp well worth you time if you can get there!

ssbiz5:56 AM Mar 27th 2017
Thanks Pradeep, it was an enriching experience and I appreciate your time and efforts in helping us reach our goals. It is really takes a 'Giving soul' to do what you do. I can confidently say that attending the camp gave me the clarity on what my next steps are, apart from imparting me the know-how on how to execute those steps. Thanks again.

jaybm7:57 PM Mar 26th 2017
Thanks EG for great 2 days of intense knowledge transfer. It was a real boot-camp in every sense of the of the word. Very innovative and literal use of the Carrot (lunch) and stick approach to drilling the core concepts of what to look for in breakouts and exit rules. Many Aha moments for me. Greatly appreciate your generosity.

mk6:02 PM Mar 28th 2017
Dear Pradeep:
Thank you for the excellent boot camp. It was worth my effort to travel 8 hours each way, by automobile and listen to your presentation on 2 days. Hopefully, it will make a better trader out of me. While most experts on investing pay lip service in being transparent, you go out of the way to make your methods easily accessible and can be reproduced. Your generosity to fellow traders can only be described in superlatives. Many thanks. MK

vadim5:54 PM Mar 28th 2017
Dear Pradeep! Thank you for well-organized boot camp, thank you for your time and effort to share your knowledge with other traders. Sincerely, Vadim.

agramtb12:48 AM Jun 26th 2017
@EG thanks for the great bootcamp.

ptab11:46 PM Jun 25th 2017
@eg thanks for a great bootcamp! It was refreshing to go through the fundamentals and be reminded to ignore all of the trading noise and distractions.

LB9:30 PM Jun 25th 2017
Another awesome Boot Camp. Great reinforcement of all the concepts taught here. Its not often you get to spend an entire weekend with a market wizard all for the fraction of the price of your average losing trade. What a bargain. Thank you Pradeep.

comito11:16 AM Apr 7th 2017
Still seats left for bootcamp! My goodness. Anyone newer to this site . . . . or just plain struggling . .. or someone who has never been to a boot camp should go. How many times do you get to pick a market guru's brain in person in your lifetime? In most cases in life I believe you get what you pay for but in this case it is so much more. I have never heard anyone come back from any type of bootcamp and say they regret it. Ok, I am done. Just don't want people to waste that opportunity as it does not come around very often.

mike19627:31 AM Jun 26th 2017
@eg. I am very grateful to you for all the hard work and knowledge that you shared with us at Bootcamp.

dfly7:49 AM Jun 26th 2017
Thanks-- e g--for the great boot camp--you changed my thinking in a couple of key areas--your willingness to spend your weekend teaching and sharing your knowledge--is not a common trait in today's world-----from the oldest guy there--who can still learn---dfly

mrm9:09 AM Jun 26th 2017
@eg Thank you for great weekend This was my 4th time and I always learn something new thank you for your time, dedication and willingness to share your knowledge with us

ddash10:25 AM Jun 26th 2017
@EG thank you from my bottom of my heart for all the help you provide to little guys like me. Bootcamp is definitely a game changer. Please do plan on having a bootcamp for west coast. I will handle the logistics. You are welcome to stay at my house :-) Btw: Who won the prize (books)?

ram11:10 AM Jun 26th 2017
@eg, thanks for your effort and time for conducting the bootcamp. The setup exercises were very helpful.

fredericf3:22 AM Aug 30th 2017
@eg Thank you for the great bootcamp in London last weekend. I am new to this game and I suspected these 2 days were going to be a blast. I was not disappointed!

i Pradeep,
I want to thank you again for a great bootcamp. I am very excited to implement all I have learnt from you and look forward to it. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your hard won knowledge and experience with us.
Many thanks,


Member Feedback

Thank you Stockbee- 

  1. For your generosity - I can bet my paycheck that Stockbee is the only service that truly focus on sharing without any limitations - be it the methods, the scans, or information sharing within the Stockbee community 
  2. For your efforts - you truly care for your members to make money. How do I know? It’s from your aggressive and to the point mentorship. 
  3. For coming down to beginners level and understanding the difficulty that a beginners go through and providing feedback at our level
  4. For all the hourly webinars - they helped a lot to complete the feedback loop
  5. For the daily newsletters - so many money making ideas on the newsletter ; not only that it gives us ability to understand money generating ideas that we can replicate on our own
  6. For your daily motivational posts - there is ton of great info in those motivational posts 
  7. For your constant encouragement to do our own study and do our own work - day in and day out 
  8. For busting all the myths about traditional market beliefs and encourage us to think outside the box.
  9. For encouraging us to take profits when available and not sit there and dream about buying an island  

For a new trader debating if you should select Stockbee......ask yourself if you want stock picks from a guru or if you want a solid mentor/market wizard who will enable you to stand on your own feet and enable you to generate your own picks ? In other words, do you have the desire to learn how to fish on your own? If so, there is no other place than Stockbee 
I've been a member of the Stockbee site for the last five years and will continue to the member forever. 

 Before understanding Pradeep's methodology, I used to take random trades and moving between one setup to another.  I often used to get frustrated with my trading results. Once I started following Pradeep's setups and process, I've been taking trades consistent to predefined setups and have become profitable. I've very high confidence in the trades I take now.  

The important things I learnt from Pradeep are Daily Process and Situation Analysis. Following the daily process for each trade setup has reduced my cognitive load required to execute trades. Now, it has become as simple as eating and driving. The situation analysis has helped me to use the setups that fit with different market conditions. Not every setup works well in all market conditions. The Stockbee Market Monitor and going through recent winners/losers every day helps me aware of current market conditions.  

Another important benefit of the website is the ability to interact with other members through "timeline" feature. I've learnt a lot from other team members. 

The boot camps conducted by Pradeep helped me learnt a lot from him directly and from other members. All in all, it's a number one site for traders who really want to put efforts to become successful.


If you want to improve your trading, I cannot recommend Stockbee enough. Coming from a real estate investing background, I am very sensitive to people trying to upsell me. This is not the case with Stockbee. 

You have access to a world class trader who teaches you METHODS to succeed. 

Pradeep simply loves trading, teaching, collaborating and watching others succeed. I am amazed at the amount of time that he spends on his students. 

I subscribed to IBD and Stockbee at the same time. I ended up cancelling my subscription to IBD because Stockbee was so much more accurate and actionable. 

Trading is not easy and you will have to put in a lot of time. With Stockbee there is a process and a feedback loop with a master trader that will drastically shorten your timeline to becoming consistently profitable. 

This is the best money I have spent on my investing education by far.  Thank you!


I wish that I had found StockBee years ago. What you learn here is a methodology to hunt your own meal. You do not need to subscribe to subscriptions for finding the best stock picks. 

Pradeep's methodology fits both my styles - swing and day trading. He is very responsive on emails to all your questions and he also conducts webinar sessions. 

The "timeline" feature on his website keeps the chatter with other members clean and organized. I joined Pradeep's service and went to his Bootcamp and have turned profitable.  

But the most important thing is that I am learning to hunt for my own fish using the various techniques that Pradeep has taught. 

- Sai Srini

It is a good tradition to take a moment, especially, to reflect and give thanks for all that we have received.
In October 2018, I opened a purposed 6-figure trading account. The particular objective was to generate enough consistent income to sustain life without a paycheck. Q4 2018 was not very auspicious. By December, I’d taken a 20% drawdown. My default approach, trading volatility took a beating into December. I stuck with it while exploring other ways to diversify by products, strategies and durations.
The volatility crush in January helped and I started a slow recovery. Earning reports trades in January also helped greatly. I found the Stockbee videos and was then drawn to the site and joined. I attended the Bootcamp in the Spring and the Advanced Camp early fall. I’ve been sponging on everything.
Aha moments came here and there. Gradually, with effort, confidence grew as I layered the new approaches Pradeep teaches with what I was already doing and knew, infusing my own flavorings. Seeking a path adapted to my own nature and inclinations.
As of last Friday, that trading account has erased that 20% drawdown from December 2018 and in fact is up about 112% YTD.
But, while that particular outcome is good, that’s not primarily why I’m grateful. I’m primarily grateful because my confidence has grown. Grown because I believe I’ve found a path that is replicable, if I can stay on it.
Pradeep often says that the scans he teaches are nothing special. True. A system is only as good as the operator of the system. In his characteristic humility, he downplays the full impact of what he offers. He offers far more than that. I recognize that and am deeply grateful that our paths have crossed.
I’m also grateful for all the other members who offer their insights through what they share.
The Universe bends towards abundance. I’m grateful even for the painful lessons.
For 2010, I hope to build on this year by internalizing what Pradeep shared on the call yesterday about focal points for doubling your capital in 2020 while adding my own color to it. That color will be in the form of developing ways to trade all the methods taught here using options.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Over the years hundreds of traders have used these methods and made them work for them. And every week you will see some members making progress by adopting these methods to their own trading and being successful.

This allows you to significantly reduce your learning curve and not lose money during the learning curve.

If you are not members you can still learn to be profitable trader by using this free site. It has details on several profitable setups. Just look at posts highlighted in sidebar.

Become a member Methods

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