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Profiting from high volume breakout :NIO

NIO was one of the first stocks to show up in 4% b/o and had 9 million plus volume in first 15 minutes or so. It also had earnings news so was showing up in earnings scan in TI (Trade Ideas Software) 

Typically I do not buy very low priced stocks , but today there was not much showing up in $ b/o scans early , so I bought it. Stop was 20 cents from entry.

Stock kept going up . I sold once it had 800 dollars profit, which on whiskey scale is one 30 year whiskey.

It kept going up after that also .

Here is handy guide to our whiskey scale used on members site.

What is whiskey scale

you will see whiskey multiples mentioned a lot on this site . Here is your handy guide to whiskey scale
Voss water case 200 dollars
half whiskey (30 year bottle)=400 dollar
full whiskey =800 dollar plus . 🥃
Case of whiskey = 10000 dollar 🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃🥃
my risk tolerance is 40 cents on trade with 1000 share size. The way I look at it if I lose 400 dollars on trade I lose half whiskey bottle
So if someone says made a whiskey he has 800 plus profit on trade. 🥃
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taithaing said...

What do you mean by first 15 min, of market open or pm?

Pradeep Bonde said...

breakout before 9.45 am