
Always think process flow

Everytime you see someone twitting a stock idea, ignore the idea, try and find out what process this person uses to find that stock.

Every Time you visit a blog of someone you think is good trader find out what process this person uses to find that stock.

Every time you read a book on trading find out what process this person uses to find that stock.

Every time you attend a trading seminar or workshop ind out what process this person uses to find that stock.

The process understanding is very important. If we do that we should be able to find same stock and trade it in same way.

Don't get fascinated by picks ask the person

"Brother or sister can you tell me what step by step process you use to find these things. What scans did you use. where did you enter why, where did you exit or plan to exit, how much did you buy"

and if he or she can not tell you that it is difficult to make money from those ideas.

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