How to learn to be a profitable trader
Sometime back I was watching the film Ballerina by Bertrand Norman
The ballet training is primarily about developing implicit memory. Implicit memories are unconscious memories. They are formed through automation. Procedural memory is memory about skill. In the case of a dancer the procedural memory challenge is about developing a complex skill which require enormous co-ordination of various muscles. Through repeated practice the skill becomes automatic and a procedural memory for it is developed. Same way a good trader primarily has developed procedural memory skills related to specific setup.
US Army, Navy, and Air force have world's best training programs. If you study the history of training skills development in these institutions you will find that they were the first to recognize the concept of procedural memory. If you read book on expertise development, you will see that vast amount of learning about expertise development process has happened through research on training armies. The book Development of Professional Expertise By K. Anders Ericsson explores some of the latest research in this field and is one of the highly acclaimed book in the areas of expertise development. If you want to explore the area of expertise development in more detail you should read it.
Development of Professional Expertise by K. Anders Ericsson
Professionals such as medical doctors, airplane pilots, lawyers, and technical specialists find that some of their peers have reached high levels of achievement that are difficult to measure objectively. In order to understand to what extent it is possible to learn from these expert performers for the purpose of helping others improve their performance, we first need to reproduce and measure this performance. This book is designed to provide the first comprehensive overview of research on the acquisition and training of professional performance as measured by objective methods rather than by subjective ratings by supervisors. In this collection of articles, the world's foremost experts discuss methods for assessing the experts' knowledge and review our knowledge on how we can measure professional performance and design training environments that permit beginning and experienced professionals to develop and maintain their high levels of performance, using examples from a wide range of professional domains.
What does the US Army, Navy or Air force do. It takes raw recruits and through a extremely structured program it converts them in to exceptionally skilled warriors. It helps them develop procedural memory through a highly disciplined and structured program. If you want to understand how this is done watch the video Navy Seals Buds Class 234 Discovery Channel
- structured environment
- supervised practice
- extensive practice
When you try to develop procedural memory on your own, you are your own supervisor, mentor, instructor, motivator and so on. Besides that you are developing your own syllabus. As against that in any structured environment they have studied procedural memory skills required for the job and have template to develop such skills in others.
What can trader do to survive such learning process and become successful:
- Understand that learning to trade is about developing expertise. And specifically it is about training procedural memory.
- Understand that procedural memory is task specific. So specializing in a setup is extremely critical. Once you select a setup then you develop procedural memory specific to that setup. A trader who is good at trading say momentum stocks on 3-10 days has developed a procedural memory specific to that setup.
- Understand that selecting your trading time frame is critical. If you want to be day trader the kind of procedural memory development you will need is very different from if you decide to be swing trader.
- Understand that less number of setups you focus on better it is. The entire logic behind the procedural memory development process is that it allows you to overcome cognitive load. The more setups you try and trade simultaneously more is cognitive load. When your short term memory gets overloaded you tend to make mistake and get frustrated. First master one setup then you will find mastering other setup easier.
- Understand that there are no secrets in this business. The real secret is your ability to develop procedural memory. Procedural memory can only be developed through "How to " kind of knowledge. If someone gives you a secret way to put stops as a software plugin. It is perfectly useless. Because it does not allow you to develop your own procedural memory skill. Similarly someone gives you 3 picks daily and does not tel you in significant detail how that person actually arrived at those picks, what scans he used, what analytical methods he used to arrive at those 3 picks, you will learn nothing. It will not help you in anyway to develop procedural memory.
- Understand that many profitable traders are not conscious of how they develop their own trading skill and how procedural memory work. in fact most would not have even heard of procedural memory unless they had background in psychology or are involved in training. If you want to understand more about procedural memory ask Reaper Trader . His Masters Thesis was on that subject.
- Understand that profitable traders can not verbalize the process they follow. Procedural memories are implicit memories they can not be easily verbalized. A person who possess a skill in particular kind of trading may not be aware of steps he or she is following. Psychologist and those who study procedural memory use special techniques to build procedural maps to understand such skills. Often you will read a interview or watch a interview of famous trader and you will see that the person does not tell you much about his process. Often they give you generalities , why because they are not aware of their own procedural skills. I recently read a book by a trader who is pretty well known amongst prop traders and day traders and recently wrote a book about it. Now the book is extremely disappointing to many highly skilled traders because it fails to explain the process. It has tall stories but when it comes to actually the meat of explaining the process the author fails miserably. Why because it is difficult to verbalize a skill like tape reading.
- Understand that once you develop procedural memory it is on auto pilot and it is lifetime skill. The bodies mechanism for handling procedural memories is for survival reason. If we did not have way to develop procedural memory we would not be able to perform any skilled task. In the absence of procedural memory you would be trying to remember steps of a skill and the method involved in performing task every time you perform it. Think of how your life would be if you were to drive like you were driving for first time every time you drive a car. Procedural memory primarily allows you to avoid short term memory overload.
- Understand that most activities which make you money in your life involve procedural memory. Your procedural memories earn you your leaving. If you are a doctor, nurse, dentist, lawyer, teacher, firefighter, marine, actor, singer, dancer, software programmer and so on, what makes you money is your procedural memory. It is not knowledge that makes you money, it the "ability" to convert that knowledge in to some "professional skills" that makes you money. There are many people with superior knowledge but they can not make a living. In any field you will see that the people who earn higher amount of money have more refined procedural memory. Procedural memory is not specific to trading.
- Understand that procedural memory is not developed through hardwork. There are many hardworking traders but they do not necessarily make lot of money. Why because they may not be having right procedural memory. In fact once you develop procedural memory you don't really need to work hard. that is the essential role of procedural memory.
Fantastic post. One of my favorites even though I doubt many will fully grasp and do the specifics.
Now i get it
Trading is super competitive
i should work hard more
thank you sir
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