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Flowtastical said...

i see you use telechart for your system. can you use esignal instead?


Pradeep Bonde said...

Yes you can use any software.

The Banker said...

Which method that you teach are you using to identify these stocks that are likely to breakout. Also, in what order do you recommend learning the strategies you review. Which is best for the beginner. I've started with the IBD 200.

Pradeep Bonde said...

It comes from momentum scan. What method to start with depends on what is your level of understanding about the market, swing trading, how to scan for these things in Telechart or other software, how to enter, how to set stop, how much to risk,how to manage the open positions and where to exit. Momentum methods are easier for beginners.

The Banker said...

So as a beginners I've started with your IBD 200 method. I am using a simulator now to get a handle on the mechanics. Last Thursday, I opened up the IBD 200 put them all in a watch list and on the weekend, checked to see what stock went up 2 percent on the volume required and narrowed the list down to 25 stocks. I then narrowed the list down based on float and took the five with the least float and calculated the least growth in the last 65 days. Having done that, my first questions was where do I put my stop. I know that you said that you would put it at two days low. Can you explain what that means?

I also then bought the stock in a simulator and sold it the next day because it dropped 8%. The next thing that occured to me is that if I am a small investor with $500 to $1000 bucks, what broker should I use to keep my transaction costs as low as possible.

And, if I have a small investment fund to invest from, it's harder to implement the 1% risk thing. I am comfortable putting it on the line until it grows but thought you might have a tip or two on how to start small.

I've been making videos of my progress and thought that I'd keep track of my "batting average" so to speak and when I hit .250, then I would trade for real.

Any other tips? Is this the strategy you would start with if you were just starting out?