
How to analyse the market daily

Daily# of Stocks Up >4% on high volume317
Daily# of stocks down >4% on high volume  127
Primary# of stocks up >25% in a quarter2918
Primary# of stocks down >25% in a quarter376
Secondary#of stocks up >50% in a month77
Secondary#of stocks down >50% in a month3
Secondary#of stocks up >25% in a month406
Secondary#of stocks down >25% in a month27
Primary fast  MM 34/13 + 2899
Primary Fast  MM 34/13 - 529

  • Above data tells you about major moves in the market. 
  • It was a 300 plus positive breakout day. 127 stocks were down 4% plus on high volume. So daily breakout breadth was positive.
  • But if you look underneath the surface a correction in some stocks is in progress. 
  • At the same time new sectors which have not participated so far in this rally are breaking out. 
  • Shipping, coal and oil and gas stocks saw some new breakouts.
  • As these sectors are at beginning of move getting in to them may be less risky.
  • So this correction is so far looking orderly with sector rotation as theme. 
  • If you look at the top 25 4% breakout by dollar volume MS , POT, and DRYS were top 3 breakouts.

  • If you look at top 25  4% breakdown by dollar volume you will see MA, AOC, and HIG were top 3 breakdowns. 
  • You can also sort these breakout list by sector to get idea of which sector are dominating the list.
  • You can sort these lists by distance from 6 month high. That tells you whether buying or selling  is of stock near high or low.
  • I also religiously look at every stock in the scan # of stocks up 50% plus in a month. That tells you a lot about what makes a stock make a 50% plus move and what to look in a stock likely to go up big next time or to find explosive move.

  • If you see the list of stocks up 50% plus in a month currently you will see lot of large caps are also making it to the list. That tells you lot of money is flowing in in to this market.
  • You can sort the list by float, distance from six month, Kirkpatrick P/S ranking, relative strength ranking , etc. that helps you  understand what kind of stocks are moving up.
  • If you sort the list of stocks from the scan # of stocks up 25% plus in a month by Price Percent change  5 day . It will show you stocks which are having a 5 day pullback after a big move in a month. 
  • These kind of detailed look at component of Market Monitor , if you do it daily, gives you a good feel for the market and actionable buy and sell ideas. 
  • Besides this I look at Top 10 sectors by IBD ranking in IBD sector tables. 
  • I look at top 10 sectors by MDT ranking.
  • I also look at Top 25 stocks by MDT ranking.
  • If you set up your Telechart tabs properly all these things take you just 10 to 15 minutes to do.
  • If you do this regularly then you are always on top of the market and often see emerging market moves before they can hurt you or benefit you. 

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