
What color is Paris underwear

The most frequently asked question to me is what software do you use. The other questions range from what kind of set up do you have. What kind of computer do you use? How many monitors do you have? What indicators do you use? Are you Indian? Are you Dutch ?
My answer so far to all these intimate questions is, that it does not matter. It is like asking Paris Hilton what underwear she wears.
It is the concept that matters. The concept is in public domain, there is no great secret to it. But here are answers to some of these intimate questions.

Software: TC2007 end of day. I primarily use this for data. I believe based on my experience so far, they have the cleanest and most reliable data. The data feeds in to my home cooked datamining and data analysis software. The software runs its magic and spits out some candidate lists. It also once in a while gives short term market predictions. I do not use any real time data, scanning or alerts.

I do not use multi monitors. I have a laptop plus 2 PC set up. One PC is dedicated to brokerage accounts. I have no other software on it. Even in emergencies I do not use it for any other purpose. One PC has the trading software.

Subscriptions: I do not use any subscription service. The only magazine I read is the British rag which starts with E.

Indicators: I do not believe in technical analysis. I do not use any indicators on chart. I do not use any chart patterns.

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