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To become a profitable trader do a deep reflection


The key to success in this business is to develop depth on a setup.

First, select your trading timeframe

Then select a market structure that works on that timeframe

Then, develop multi-dimensional depth on that setup

Break down each element of that setup

Ask a series of what-if questions

What if I enter early

What if I enter the next day

What if I enter before a breakout.

What if I entered only after volume confirmation

What if I entered only with a news catalyst breakout

What if I entered in the afternoon

What if I put a stop near the support

What if I put a stop at the consolidation low

What if I do not put a stop at all and manage by position sizing

What if I exit on a fixed profit

What if I exit on the third day

What if I increase the size

What if I only trade low-priced stocks

What if I trade only high-priced

What if I trade only low-float

What if I trade only high dollar volume

What will I do if my position goes up 10% the next day

What will I do If 3 trades in a row do not work

When should I move my stop

How much should I move

When does this setup work best

Do I need to use SA filter with this setup

How can I reduce my stop

How can I increase my per-trade profits

How can I anticipate trades

How can I be consistent with this setup

Why does this setup work

Why only 3 days






Ask and clarify and reclarify.

This is only possible once you narrow down the timeframe and setup

If you can do this, then you will need

And all it takes to develop this kind of depth is 4 to 6 weeks of intense deep work

Very few traders will do that.

So if you can do it, you will be ahead of everyone

Walk, run, bike, and think. Reflect.

Remember what Nietzsche said: “It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth.

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Prasad Dhande said...

Articulated very well and to the point. Thank you for sharing your wisdom Pradeep Sir.

Pr@tik N said...

Thanks Sir!!

Maria H said...

Wow what a nice read. I have 4-6 weeks uninterrupted time, I just need to add intense deep work.