
Earnings Episodic Pivots season is starting

 Every quarter the earnings season leads to a handful of companies. Surprising the markets big or disappointing the markets. These companies are rewarded by the market. Some make 50 to 300% or more moves in the next few months or quarters.

If you set up a way to systematically track earnings winners during this period, you can find such big winners.  Even if you miss the first-day move, many of these make big moves later after a brief pullback or consolidation.

Earnings or sales surprise is what is most important to find such moves. This works best on stocks where the market has very low expectations.

The tools required to find such earnings winners are free. What is important is to have a systematic daily process to find them. 

If you want to profit from such big moves you can study my previous posts on this blog about Episodic Pivots and Earnings.

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