
Member Feedback

 gravatarinterface19581:31 PM Jan 7th 2022

I just read the near-death pdf. It moved me. After hitting roadblocks a few years ago, I began reading and studying dozens of trading books and my trading strategy improved. However, I hit a plateau. I called my friend in Singapore, who was a trader at GS, for trading advice. He said, "you need a long/short portfolio, swing trade, forget everything you have learned, and fly to Singapore and watch me trade for a few weeks". That didn't seem feasible. I decided to join Stockbee on Nov. 15, 2021. To say it changed my life is an understatement. It only took 1 week for me to realize I am on the right path and grateful to take this path with EG and all the other members. There is so much to learn, but I am well on my way. Thank you for sharing the pdf and thank you for sharing your valuable knowledge and experience.

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