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Market Monitor Scans

 Market Monitor Scans 

Number of stocks up 4% plus today

Number of stocks down 4% plus today

Number of stocks up 25% plus in a quarter

Number of stocks down 25% plus in a quarter

Number of stocks up 25% plus in a month

Number of stocks down 25% plus in a month

Number of stocks up 50% plus in a month

Number of stocks down 50% plus in a month

Number of stocks up 13% plus in a 34 days

Number of stocks down 13% plus in a 34 days

Market Monitor Layout

Color Coded



Understanding the nature of a 20% move in less than a week will give you an edge.

  Understanding the nature of a 20% move in less than a week will give you an edge. To understand the 20% move keep aside all your current t...


Your timeframe of trading is the most important decision that will determine how fast you can become profitable.

  To learn a skill you need constant practice . If a setup you select produces say 50 trades a month, you will have a lot of feedback on wha...


Key insight for traders

  Short-term moves are easier to predict. You need fewer factors to consider when looking for an 8 to 20% move or a 3 to 5 days move. Long-t...


How you can enhance your trading

  "If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it, even if I may not have it at the beginning....


How to become good at trading

  The only way to become good at trading is by enhancing your  self-efficacy beliefs about trading There are  5  ways to do that in order of...


How to make money in the market

  Understand market structure Develop structural setups Have conviction in your setup Organize to trade your setup Execute Don't be head...


Develop Swing Trading Edge Shorting

  Develop Swing Trading Edge Shorting Saturday 4 PM to 5 PM Various swing short setups. How to identify and scan for them How to enter and e...


How to develop your edge workshop

  6-week workshop Put together your edge before next year For members only Starting next week 


How to organize your trading

  How to organize your trading (November and December) 7-week program For those struggling to put together a well-thought-out setup, process...


Do Deep Reflection

  The key to success in this business is to develop depth on a setup. First, select your trading timeframe Then select a market structure th...


If you want to make money effortlessly

  First, find an enduring market structure ( see the Guide section if members for that) Build setup around the structure Develop a process l...


What will happen post Fed meeting



T3A: Think Three Days Ahead



Creating a watchlist

 Creating a watchlist is one of the ways in which you can get ready for likely breakouts. To create a watchlist look for stocks that had sho...


Arizona Bootcamp

Topics:  Momentum Burst, EP, SA, Psychology Date:  February 23 - 26, 2023 Time:  Thu - Sat, 9am to 5pm      Sun, 9am to 2pm Members only boo...