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August Bootcamp August 20th to Saturday August 28th

 If you want to develop an enduring edge, dedicate 9 days to get an in depth look at methods that work.  Many Stockbee members have made these methods work for themselves. 

This bootcamp starts Friday August 20th and will run until Saturday August 28th.

Current Price $450. 

The course includes live and recorded sessions as well as individual assignments. 


Live Sessions will be on Saturday , Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Live sessions will have two time to suit most people .

Morning will be 6 to 8 am . Evening will be 8 to 10 PM ( These sessions will be repeat sessions to Suit Euro and US time zones)

The Rest of the days is for video lessons and Deep dives.

What is different in this boot camp compared to previous one..

The time available and technology available to do this allows me to do things differently and go in to significant details. In a 2 or 3 days boot camp it is a race to focus only on  important thing. That is not a constraint here as it is week long effort along with pre recorded videos.

Swing Trading all setups will be covered with added emphasis on execution. It will have Deep dive built in . It will have details on setting scans, charts, orders, etc.

Working People all details will be covered. Again will have videos on all scans , process, daily opportunities and managing them . 401k, TQQQ, Country in Trouble,

Day Trading . All details of my setups and how I execute.

Market Monitor : entire section going in to details of all scans , chats , colors and how to use it.

Situational awareness : details of how to develop and use it

Psychology: details of possible ways to handle trading issues. visualization

Trade Execution

OLC Organizing like crazy to make profits 

The technology allows us to drip content , so once you finish say a deep dive you get to see bonus videos.

Technology allows us to drip more videos post bootcamp based on questions.

Because lot of this is pre recorded it gets over problem of maintaining flow without getting distracted by unrelated questions by participants

All and all this will be very exhaustive bootcamp with anticipated 100 plus videos and background material .

Only way to sign up for it is by using the link.



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