
Become process oriented if you want to make money trading

Start with process flow if want to improve your trading

However imperfect it is start first by setting up a process flow for trading any setup you like.
Many setup ideas have been detailed on this site.
If you like Stockbee 4% b/o setup a process flow
If you like Stockbee  $ b/o setup a process flow
If you like Stockbee anticipation setup process flow
If you like trading news set up process flow
If you like mean reversion setup process flow
If you like beaten down stock setup process flow to identify and buy them
If you like Stockbee EP setup process flow to trade them
If you like to buy near 52 week high setup process flow to
If you like to trade earnings setup process flow
If you like to trade stocks that go up 300% in a year setup process flow to find and buy them
If you like Stockbee Lemonade strategy set up process flow to trade it
If you like to trade others picks setup a process flow to find and trade them
If you like to trade IPO setup process flow to find and trade them
If you want to trade options setup process flow to find and trade them.
If you like to trade stocks that start with A setup process flow to find them
If you like to trade stocks that start with Z setup a process flow to find them

Unless you have a process no miracle can make you good trader or investor.

Once you have process you can start to improve it
Once you have process you can do things in less time
However imperfect your process , it is the first starting point to becoming profitable trader.
In the beginning run only one or two processes. Your brain will not be able to handle many processes simultaneously. So be less ambitious . Do not trade lots of setup. Trade only one setup and perfect process flow for it to the level of microscopic details.
If someone shares an idea or a trade the first question you should always ask is what is the process to do this.
You read a trading book , fine but unless you have a process to convert that books trading idea nothing will happen.
If you read say Darvas book, unless you have setup detailed step by step process to find those stocks and trade them , you will not find the 2 million like him.

Unless you have a process you will be overwhelmed and confused

Unless you have a process nothing happens.
Once you have process you start finding trades.
Once you have a process you follow it to enter those stock.
Once you have process you know when to exit them or put stop.
As you trade more a process you will find simpler ways to do same thing.
Once you have one good process for swing trading going well then you can add more processes.
When developing processes think simple.
Simpler a process and less the steps involved in it easier it is to perform.
If your process involves 10 steps something is wrong with it.
Learn to be process focused and money will come.
Learn from others who are highly process focused. They spend enormous amount of time setting up a process. The effort is one time. In the process of doing that they learn the method in detail.
Become process oriented if you want to make money trading . Start today.

1 comment:

zen said...

It is a good post..
Msg is loud & clear ..
