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Top momentum stocks

The market continued to show momentum. As many stocks are extended, the theme was sector rotation. Beaten down sectors like gold, silver, commodities and some very low priced stocks were attracting buying yesterday. The energy sector continues to show good action and solar stocks are making parabolic moves.

The top stocks by momentum are lead by YRCW. YRCW was a beaten down trucking company for years after a merger went bad. In last 13 session it found buy interest and is now momentum leader. YRCW kind of turnaround stories with deep problems are the theme of the market currently.

TSLA is another big mover in the momentum ranking post its earnings. And the solar stocks are obviously the big winners.

Top 25 stocks ranked by momentum

  1. yrcw
  2. trmd
  3. vrml
  4. tsla
  5. scty
  6. csiq
  7. rvlt
  8. llen
  9. ostk
  10. nbg
  11. ecty
  12. tmus
  13. spwr
  14. iqnt
  15. esi
  16. eac
  17. evc
  18. byd
  19. htch
  20. regi
  21. nvtl
  22. unis
  23. amd
  24. cprx
  25. NBG

NBG out of this had uggly down move yesterday.

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MP said...

Is your momentum stocks based on 65days or 1year period ?

MP said...

Is yr top 25 momentum stocks based on 65days or 1year or ???

MP said...

Is your momentum stocks based on 65days or 1year period ?

Pradeep Bonde said...

65 days