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kastro said...

the first one must be a bottom bounce , i don't focus on those but i have also spotted NX as good 2lynch setup along side : (kbh , coop , Dole ,EBC ) , i also tried to anciticpate "LKQ", faded at me so i took it out. i have completely missed Rlay , i guess that i was already fully invested so i stopped looking. i would appreaciate a comment on the aforementioned stocks if you ever find the time. i truley appreciate all the free resources you are sharing with us. One las thing , i have noticed that despite a bulish MM ,if the major indexes are not trading up , the breakout tend to fail. do you combine MM with (spx and ndx ) to increase breakout sucess rate ? . thanks

kastro said...

the first one must be a bottom bounce , i don't focus on those but i have also spotted NX as good 2lynch setup along side : (kbh , coop , Dole ,EBC ) , i also tried to anciticpate "LKQ", faded at me so i took it out. i have completely missed Rlay , i guess that i was already fully invested so i stopped looking. i would appreaciate a comment on the aforementioned stocks if you ever find the time. i truley appreciate all the free resources you are sharing with us. One las thing , i have noticed that despite a bulish MM ,if the major indexes are not trading up , the breakout tend to fail. do you combine MM with (spx and ndx ) to increase breakout sucess rate ? . thanks