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Your success in trading is determined by your ability to solve problems.


Profitable traders have found solutions to their trading problems

Problem: stocks break out and later fade.

Solution: 80/20 to lock in sure profits and moving stop on 20%

Problem: when you do 80/20, you can have smaller profits

Solution: oversize the trade and do 80/20

Problem: If I wait for confirmation of breakout, it runs away too much

Solution: Find and enter early

Problem: Not many Episodic Pivots happen in a year

Solution: Develop a setup idea that can do a similar job EP 9 million

Problem: I have a small account

Solution: Date billionaires. Rob, a bank, Sell a kidney. 😊

The way to solve problems is to think about solutions. What are all the possible solutions to this problem? What if I try this or that?

An intense focus on solutions allows us to find answers to problems. Many traders get bogged down by problems and lack the life skills to solve them.

They become negative, upset, unhappy about the problem, and paralyzed. They become hostile and start blaming markets and others or complain. It does not solve the problem.

Focus on the solutions and actions you can take.

When you start thinking about solutions, the problem disappears or looks small.

When you start thinking about, I can do this, I can do that, let me try this, you feel creative, energetic,

Thinking only about the problems makes you frustrated. Your brain shuts down.

When you think about solutions, your mind stays calm, and creativity begins to kick in. You feel positive, more energetic, and more confident.

Learn the skill of problem-solving.

Focus on being creative and innovative.

Creativity and innovation make problems disappear.