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Double Trouble, Episodic Pivots and 70 plus EPS

Double Trouble:
There were 14 stocks up 4% or more in Double Trouble universe yesterday. Watching closely stocks which attract buy interest during correction can provide valuable clues to next likely winners and sector moves.

AOI,Alliance One International Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
EMS,Emergency Medical Services L.P. (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
IOC,Interoil Corporation (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
JAV,Javelin Pharmaceuticals Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
MCF,Contango Oil & Gas (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
MFRI,Mfri Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
NEXM,Nexmed Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
NPLA,InPlay Technologies Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
RBN,Robbins & Myers Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
RCCC,Rural Cellular Corp (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
TBUS,Digital Recorders Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
WRLS,Telular Corp (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
WRSP,WorldSpace Inc (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)
XIDE,Exide Tech (Google  Yahoo  Earnings Chart)

Episodic Pivots:
The scan had very few candidates yesterday. MGLN was driven by new Medicare contract win. MFRI was earnings breakout. Earnings were up 600% plus. Stock has a low float of 6.6M. Earnings were declared after close on Monday, so this was obvious earnings breakout candidate. JMBA, also had earnings yesterday, it had lot of volume but failed to end at top of the range. This might offer better entry later.
On the bearish side there were 7 stocks in Episodic Pivot list.

The combined list:

GNBT,Generex Biotechnology (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HOFF,Horizon Offshore Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JMBA,Jamba Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MFRI,Mfri Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MGLN,Magellan Health Services Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VSCP,Virtualscopics Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZZ,Azz Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GERN,Geron Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GOOG,Google (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MDVN,Medivation Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RCNI,RCN Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RVI,Retail Ventures Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
USU,Usec Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZZ,Azz Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GERN,Geron Corporation (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GOOG,Google (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MDVN,Medivation Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RCNI,RCN Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RVI,Retail Ventures Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
USU,Usec Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Only 5 stocks with 70 plus EPS were up 4% plus.

DIOD,Diodes Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EDA,Endeavor Acquisition Corp (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MFRI,Mfri Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RBN,Robbins & Myers Inc (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
XFML,Xinhua Finance Media Ads (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
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Susan said...

JMBA is puzzling, earning is so good, percentage wise didnt go up that much before earning, yet it reacted so badly and totally lost ground today.

Yet this RCCC is rocketing like there's no tomorrow, with less but still negative earning......

Pradeep Bonde said...

It never caught fire and churned on high volume yesterday.

Unknown said...

also GNBT as you noted. Would it be a good short candidate? thanks.

Editor said...

shouldn't BTJ be up there?

Pradeep Bonde said...

It did not have a 4% plus breakout.